
Little Owly’s has five classrooms, each designed to address the unique needs of its student age group. Each room is distinguished by a different owl hand painted by the Director’s very creative and talented sister, Kimberly Kistner.

Infant Room

(Desert, Jungle, Forest Owlets)

Who doesn’t love a roly-poly baby with squishy little cheeks and tiny little toes?!  The Infant Room at Little Owly’s offers a spacious and inviting environment for babies to nuzzle up in a cozy spot, rock and be held by a comforting teacher, learn to move around and acquire new skills, or learn to imitate gestures from a friendly face.  The teachers and staff offer our Little Owlets much love and affection, and they can’t wait to see these precious little faces every day!

spotted owls

Toddler Room

(Screech, Laughing, Hoot, Whistling Owls)

These little brains are like sponges — eager and ready to absorb everything around them as they grasp new skills and achieve milestones. It is fun to watch the little personalities of our Spotted Owls blossom since this is the age for many changes. Communication skills begin to progress as their tiny little voices (sometimes not so tiny) emerge and begin to form words. The Toddler Room at Little Owly’s offers a solid base to grow skills. Whether it’s sorting shapes and colors, singing songs or sensory play, we want these little sponges to absorb as much information as possible, and so many learning opportunities are presented.

barn owls

Two-Year-Old Room

(Spotted, Striped, Spectacled Owls)

The stereotypical “terrible twos” really are not so terrible. As the need to gain independence increases, we often hear the word “NO,” which is why teachers focus on manners and discipline. Amazing accomplishments take place at this lovely age as these kiddos become less like babies and more like little people.

snowy owls

Pre-school Room 

(Snowy, Barn, Elf, Eagle Owls)

Independence is taken to a whole new level as “I can do it” is the new phrase for this group of little ones. Teachers in the Pre-school Room at Little Owly’s help children learn how to practice self-control and acquire new self-help skills. At this age, social skills develop further as parallel play slowly ceases and cooperation play now becomes more apparent. It is fun to sit back and observe as new relationships form and grow. We encourage their imaginations to run wild as our Snowy Owls engage in dramatic play. Whether it is dressing up as a fairytale character or drawing a picture, the Pre-school Room at Little Owly’s offers many opportunities for children to put their imaginations to use. These little attention seekers are constantly looking for approval and recognition and, due to the low children-to-teacher ratios at Little Owly’s, teachers are able to give children more of the one-on-one time they often seek.  The classroom is filled with bold colors allowing for an inviting and fun-filled atmosphere.  Kids are able to learn how to use the keyboard in the computer center or dig for treasure at the sensory table.  Curriculum and lesson planning is more structured for this age group, and kids will engage in math, science, art and language activities.

hoot owls

Pre-Kindergarten Room

(Cinnamon, Chocolate Owls)

It is amazing how they grow up so fast! The once little, chubby baby playing on the floor is now a little kid ready to conquer the world. Teachers in the Pre-Kindergarten Room at Little Owly’s focus on getting our Hoot Owls ready for school and base the curriculum on state standards. While learning is still fun, lesson planning is more structured. Our teachers are not only busy getting Hoot Owls ready for school academically, but socially and emotionally as well. Even at this age teachers are busy working on manners and helping children acquire good listening skills. Many small, interactive, and hands-on activities take place in order for children to learn to take turns, listen to one another, and develop patience. The large playground at Little Owly’s allows children to use large motor skills and engage in activities such as kick-ball or hopscotch. Teachers feel a sense of achievement as they watch each child develop into a young boy or girl with all the skills necessary for entering into the next chapter of his or her life.